Galaxy Builders engages valuable techniques for predicting and controlling costs, such as Value-Based Cost Analysis to proactively discern the best alternative construction methods, materials and systems. The company offers maximum value to our clients while maintaining integrity of design and quality. Another valuable savings tool is Performance Reporting, used throughout the life of the construction project.

Experience is essential and Galaxy Builders has deep, respected experience in construction, general contracting and pre-construction services. Galaxy works with Housing and Urban Development, as well as other agencies to streamline even the most complicated project. Testimonials from owners attest to Galaxy’s capabilities and delivery.

Galaxy Builders’ strong systems and an attitude of “unmatched service” ensures top quality for both the project owner and the end user. “Galaxy Builders is not a company that ‘shoots from the hip’,” said Arun Verma, the firms founder. With open communication a top priority, Galaxy utilizes some of the following tolls to carry out our Value-Based Cost Analysis:

Conceptual Value-Based Cost Analysis – Initially, we will discuss and recommend the best possible alternatives to systems, materials, methods and concentrate on the value we receive. Recommendations will be made on those traits we feel best suit the project.

Performance Reports – These will be used to monitor and predict Value-Based Cost Analysis ideas, as they are revealed throughout the construction of the project.

“We have successfully used
Value-Based Cost Analysis to
complete over 24,000 projects in Texas.
Our definition of Value-Based Const
Analysis, a detailed cost comparison
of two or more construction systems,
determining the most cost-effective
methods and materials for these
projects – just as it will for your


List of Projects


Headquartered in San Antonio, Galaxy has created an infrastructure capable of serving our clients and communities throughout Texas. Our award-winning projects can be seen from the Panhandle, down to the Rio Grande Valley.